
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

on Fire for God.

I need to be more on fire for God to be more desperate for God and to spread His word more. Once again I’m reminded that there are many people out there who are being persecuted, risking their lives to let people know about God and yet in my comfort I’m doing nothing. My prayers are not desperate cries for God’s will to be done.

When I was reading bible this morning, chance upon the battle that King Saul had against the Philistines. God sent a panic amongst the Philistines and the latter began to fight amongst themselves and thus God won the battle for Israel. Sometimes we can plan and strategise, but as long as we allow God to work His will in us, He can win an even more amazing victory in the most fabulous and mysterious manner. Meanwhile need to get rid a lot of nonsense floating around in my head before I can fill my mind of God’s things.

On a separate note, I got my blue belt! * punches the air in excitement*


Benson said...

Congrats on ur Blue belt. Now what tip or belt u aiming for?

And v nice layout =D

xiaobai said...

aiming for red tip.. =)

Thanks! i love the sillouhette of the girls also.. too bad they aren't my sillouhette hahah a