
Monday, September 3, 2007

premaritial sex

I have friends who told me about ppl sleeping with a person on their first 'date' or night out together. Well, i have to say this person is not the only one i know. Others i know before him do that often enough also. Now one might say, so what? It's very common wat. what's the big deal? or give comments like, you sua gu ah? I have to say a increasing pile of incidents like that is pretty mind bogs my mind recently.

now looking at wat's common in the world nowadays. It's just an open society, feelings are by impulse and what's more important is my feelings and satisfying myself. Who holds on to virginity nowadays? the act is purely instinctal and persona happiness is more important than wat we have been drilled into for what seems like no apparent reason. In current society,there seems to be no big deal to it already. Plus the fact that one can say "we are all consenting adults" , "we know wat we are doing". To some, the only limit is as long as the partner don't get aids or pregnant. i have to say on some point of view, in this society, what's wrong with having sex with another person, if we dont' get into trouble and we enjoy the moment? Isn't it what we are built to be? especially if for some, they are going to marry the person anyway, does a signature on a paper determine when we can do it withthe person i love?

now, sometimes call me traditional, dumb or livign in the past. It simply never fails to amaze me how "open", in all sense" people have come to be. How could one possibly sleep with someone you barely know. Based on what? Drunkedness of that moment and the dolling up one can do at that moment in time. And to whose benefit? And does one really don't bother too much about it? I sincerely that all these is going to catch up on them sooner or later . I've seen cases when it do. God has stated clearly that sex out of marriage is wrong. and God is certainly no old dumb fool sitting in the corner of the universe not knowing a single thing. He certainly is aware of the consequences physically, emotionally, spritually or psychologically. But we in our moment of impulse lust has chosen not to look at it. Indulgence is pleasurable no doubt, but temporal nontheless. most of the times, not only does it not solve anything, it heaps more problem. God does not say No to premarital sex for no apparent reason no matter what era we are in. It's amatter whether we understand things thats all.

Now where u stand is up to the individual. As one can see, either side you have yr own justifications. All i say as long as u can stand before God clear and pure in life, or for non-christians conscience clear. it's an indivdual choice.