今天就是那么一天,满脑子里掺渣这许多各种事情, 全都混成一片,能得我头昏脑胀。
想着我的社交圈子, 是不是有时候对人太好。想着为什么那么难找到知己。 到底是不是人们一旦长大, 就变得比较自私自利? 还是要找到关心你的人,只能在教会找到?还是我真的想太多了。 有时候真的得感谢主。要不是我生命中有了主,早就变成一个自卑及depressed的人。
最不喜欢被人忽来换去, 对你好,就把握当作所以然。 必定在那帮着你的,对我一点也不客气。 真讨厌。
Beauty is a mind boggling affair. Who determines what is beauty and who decide if you are beautiful or not? The world has a set of measurement whether you are beautiful or not. Perfect hair, perfect skin, perfect features, perfect clothes n perfect body? Or are you beautiful cos of your inner beauty? I'll say that noone has the right to determine whether i am beautiful or not, but somehow sometimes i can' help but be led round by the nose by the society.
On one hand you will can say that i Refuse to be measured by the society. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I dont' have a need to be perfect, don't need to put on tonnes of makeup. be all natural. As lng as i'm happy who cares?
but the whole is a cruel place. and humans judge each other by their looks. 1st impression. It' all takes place in a split second. It takes only a few seconds for a person to look you up and down and make a judgement. Bull shit if they say looks are not important. I'll ask them to eat their foot up manz.
Beauty is like a stage performance, you spend years practising, honing everything to perform for people in that circumstance and show.
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