
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I can't help but feel disappointed that no matter the effort it is going no where. Lord I know it's not up to me, but I can't help feeling tired.

This song keeps getting in my head

我感动天 感动地 怎么感动不了你
明明知道 没有结局 却还死心塌地
我感动天 感动地 怎么感动不了你
总相信爱情会有奇迹 都是我骗自己

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sooner or later

This is a time. ..Where I need God more than anything...Where if I don't hang tight enough ill sleep into emo depression mood..

I've never felt so alone.. so manypl around me but I still feel alone. Except for my dear family, everyone seems to want a piece of me for their own agenda, motives , their own needs, wants. ..

Lord I'm a bit worn out tired. Give me the strength,.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Again.. Can't get myself too free.. mind n mood will go crazy. ...irony of life

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


not Sure why i get bored easily this time ' maybe because I Still don't really know What 1 Want to do yet. But I'm getting restless ' & it's Only my second Week...sheese.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Li jun Ki

finally watched the show I wanted to watch for a long time: Li jun KI in time between dog & wolf '

It's a challenging role & there are 3 main character in l role. 1st when he was tryIng to survive & cope with revenge. 2nd: when he lost his memory & totally believe he is from e traid. Third: when he try to find a balance between the 2 after he regain memory.

His Best performance! Action romance emotions anger all within a show ' ep 3 when he saw his parents Killer & ep 12 when he regain his memory IS the best. definitely not yr typical k. drama.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Finally the day I've been waiting for . Last day of project!! Then tom go back office do exit interview...n im done with my last day at work. . Haha

Friday, October 4, 2013

Counting down

2 more work days

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Count down

3 more days......

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Challenge : God s glory

When everyone says it s a challenge I say all the more may God s name be glorified! Its never a ministry that is possible without God. N God has shown me time n again that is not about me or what I do. But it's abt what He do.

God let me feel the burden. He will help me love like He did. Move the way He want.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Boy meets girl

Oh my.. This bk is very interesting. .. finally finished it.. and is now almost 130am. Ooh noooo....God help me tom... let the sound of rain help me sleep

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Joshua Harris Boy meet Girl.

Decided to make full use of this time that im single to do what is right.

know about this book some time bk, But hasn't got round reading them ' decided to Nw pick it up. wished I had read them earlier , but O well better late than never.

want the next relationship to be right in God's eyes '

Monday, September 9, 2013


Yesh! Made my choice. . Decided portability over specs. ..

Free car cradle, stand up pouch, car charger , 9000mh power bank.

Plus the 100 bucks bday gift voucher I only paid 600 plus. ..^_^ , \^_^/

Friday, September 6, 2013

I'm a Christian


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Giving up vs letting go

放弃, 是牺牲原本属于你的
放手, 是放下从来不是你的

Mind n God

My mind is a tumultuous out of control maze of actions. .. complicated and in need of a whip..

Dwell in Him, Dwell in His sweet presence n the peace of God will be upon you. ..

Chase after Him chase after His love His words His presence.

Follow His prompting, follow His sprit

Ask for His mercy His grace His strength His forgiveness

Seek His refuge his fortress his protection. ..

Love Him Worship Him Glorify Him

Because He is our awesome God n Father

Because He is worth it...

What will I be, what will I do without You. .

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Ok!! Enough is enough! God help me dedicate the rest of this week to you! !

Friday, August 23, 2013


Ji bai siao liao..

Thursday, August 22, 2013


How can a 1 yr old be half my height????

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Walking around

One of the pretty Shiok days. .slept in on a rainy day when u are on leave. .. even though I was massively clearing house work in the day time but went shopping alone before catching up with candy n clarus.

Nice weather to walk around with my fave ear phone. ..

Second last day!

Ahh! Tom is the second last day of my long weekend. . Time flies. Only productive thing is fix my hair n eyebrow

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Long week

Wish this week will end soon n I can safely go live... worked almost 22 hours yesterday. ..n it seems I'm not getting any sleep anytime soon. .

To think last week I had great plans for this week. ..

Let me get this tru God

Monday, July 8, 2013


I really love this shot of my niece when she was in the hospital ... the emotions that transpire between mother n child...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Wow..最进 我们 几乎整家人都迷上了王伟良。。。

我选择说伟良而不是lobang king 是因为我们是对他的歌声情有独钟。。beautiful strong n filled with emotions. . 对于他的台风也赞不绝口。。 他的眼技虽然很出色但觉的歌声比较抢眼。。。

真让我着迷的是他唱我最喜爱的福建歌手的其中一首歌。。。can go on repeat mode ....

"往事就是我的安慰 ★• 王雷 • 王伟良 •★" on YouTube

Monday, June 24, 2013


This must be the highest amount of fever tablets in a single week. ..

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sick again

Haze haze haze! Sick again! !!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gadgets wish list

If rumours can be believed. . Iphone5s will come in different sizes n colours..

I definitely would like the idea if a pink 5inch iphone.

I can complement with a samsung note 8.0 tablet n a bluetooth keyboard cum stand so it ll act like a keyboard.

Yes. Ill wait for iphone 5s then.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Phoebe ECP

Our cutie pie :)

Monday, April 29, 2013


Fighting a battle alone thst is meant to be fought together is just too tiring. . Esp when partner in combat refuse to see the common goal n want to shrink backto the trenchhole that was dug.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hanging on

Hanging by a thin line yet again... I hate this feeling. . Why did it always have to be this way?

I feel alone n lonelier than ever.. never felt more unwanted... betrayed. ..

I came crashing from heaven to hell in less than a week. The things that i was thrown in the face to handle alone n carelessly thrown to the side like an unwanted ragged doll. thought I was in heaven last 2 months... they are just but an illusion. .. how dumb of me. ..

Monday, April 22, 2013


I can't believe it's happening again!!! If it happen again im not going to give in to lies n empty promises again!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Knew it was too gd to be true

Thursday, March 7, 2013


More pics of our cutie pie.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I love this kid my niece to death manz


I love this kid my niece to death manz

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Calvin n hobbes

Cute! but then again.. if the kids nowadays really feel this way.. that's a bit sad that they will lose their innocence and passion so early..

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Female Genital Mutilation

For whatever reason, i started surfing You tube for a very interesting video on Cicadia by Sir David Attenborough on Discovery. As it goes for recommended and related videos, suddenly i landed on Female Circumsion or more suitably known as Female Genital Mutilation. So i decided to google it for an brief explanation in Wiki:

I have no idea why they make female go through this. It's like cutting off the testicles of the male and calling it circumcision.

I can understand if a male goes through the male circumcision which at least have been scientifically proven to be of positive health effects or help some male when they suffer from a specific skin disease because of an infection from the bacteria in the extra skin.

But for a female, you are not just removing extra skin, but you are removing the clitoris and minora (look at the pic in wiki for explanation). In short, you are removing the genitals leaving only a small hole for fluids. even if you manage to get pregnant, you got to cut it back open in order to give birth.

For what purpose is this operation for? that a female is tainted if they don't do it, prevent the male doing things that are not traditionally allowed? And of all these values and concepts, why does the change have to be imposed on the female? For some, they are frowned upon if you give birth not being "circumcised".

This is pure amputation, mutilation and lowering the perception of females in the society. If there were values that are heavily frowned upon in a traditional society, it's typically blamed on the women.

Adultery? it's the women's fault for tempting the male. SOlution: Stone the women.
Lust by men? It's the women's fault again. Solution: Female got to cover up.
Sex outside marriage or "unclean": women's fault. Solution: Cut out their genitals.

Utterly ridiculous


Monday, January 14, 2013


Trying hard not to miss him