
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Female Genital Mutilation

For whatever reason, i started surfing You tube for a very interesting video on Cicadia by Sir David Attenborough on Discovery. As it goes for recommended and related videos, suddenly i landed on Female Circumsion or more suitably known as Female Genital Mutilation. So i decided to google it for an brief explanation in Wiki:

I have no idea why they make female go through this. It's like cutting off the testicles of the male and calling it circumcision.

I can understand if a male goes through the male circumcision which at least have been scientifically proven to be of positive health effects or help some male when they suffer from a specific skin disease because of an infection from the bacteria in the extra skin.

But for a female, you are not just removing extra skin, but you are removing the clitoris and minora (look at the pic in wiki for explanation). In short, you are removing the genitals leaving only a small hole for fluids. even if you manage to get pregnant, you got to cut it back open in order to give birth.

For what purpose is this operation for? that a female is tainted if they don't do it, prevent the male doing things that are not traditionally allowed? And of all these values and concepts, why does the change have to be imposed on the female? For some, they are frowned upon if you give birth not being "circumcised".

This is pure amputation, mutilation and lowering the perception of females in the society. If there were values that are heavily frowned upon in a traditional society, it's typically blamed on the women.

Adultery? it's the women's fault for tempting the male. SOlution: Stone the women.
Lust by men? It's the women's fault again. Solution: Female got to cover up.
Sex outside marriage or "unclean": women's fault. Solution: Cut out their genitals.

Utterly ridiculous