
Thursday, August 26, 2010


I never knew I could and would miss someone so much.. even though 2 years would fly by.. but I still can't help it.

Without realising it, it's been 10 years at least.. you have always been my sane voice.. the one that is objective and shook me back away when my emotional state went heywire.. the one that always dare to say what needs to be said, even if it might not be the nicest to hear sometimes.

You touch ppl's lives and made an impact on others without you realising it. You always say it's hard for you to socialise and that you are quite an introvert.. but you, most often than not, are our life and soul of the party. Your feminist movement, your love for environment, animals (esp sharks and cats) definitely let us think about you everytime we see a shark or a cat.

You never try to do what's popular, but you try to do what's right. Most often than not, you follow what the Spirit leads you to say and do and the passion that arises really influences ppl to follow likewise.

2 years I'm sure will pass soon if we busy ourselves in our lives. My friend, don't stop walking with the Lord, even as i try to let Him handle my insanity, Look to Him often, for He is our Sovereign Lord, our Friend, Abba Father and all that will ever Be.

We'll definitely be praying for you here..