
Sunday, August 12, 2007

do our best

We are saved not just to wait to go heaven, but we are saved to in turn reach out to others about the good news. This is the gist of a statement i heard the pastor preach today. which is true.. how many of us just go to church on Sunday attend service go home and feel like we've done our job? And how many times we've thought that those around us are just being sunday christians?
I for one are guilty of both. The former is when i'm low and far away from God. The latter is when I thought i'm close to God. Act both are when i'm not very near God. If we are close to God, we won't be thinking either ways.

Sometimes i think i've done my job that's good enough, but it's not enough just to go to church, if we really love God, we'd want to do our best for him and to please him. to share the good news to others who don't know him. tell them that God Almighty reached out to them first and be known to them to want to love them.

God help me do wat He wants to do.