its cny eve. preparation are still going on. think my hands are going rough . & e usual celebration & visiting will take place.
I actually do love cny. its a good custom to have but just too tiring.
I wish I can soothe. wish l can do or say something to make things better. but I really don't know how.
Since it's CNY, it's still a new year.. good to review how things are coming along with the new year resolution. 2 months into the new year, think i need to remake mine..
In the beginning i set:
1) Spiritual Life.
2) TKD black belt!!
3) Hit a new target weight.. hehe..
4) Be PM Certified.
5) Buy a car
Now it is:
1) Make God number in my walk... in terms of my work, ministry, personal life and personal struggles, to seek and ask Him first before anything else.
2) Get sufficient rest every week.
3) Tkd Black belt
4) PM certified
5) Hit my tgt weight...
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