I was watching the taiwan telecast of their charity program for the earthquake victims..Was totally mind boggling that it's so different from our own. We have dozens of these call in charity and sometimes our own artistes fight their light out or even had those foriegn artistes came and perform. Sometimes still.. the calls only trickled in or not met their target..
The TW version though.. they don't had all these performances.. veyr minimal.. and the funny thing is they have all these ppl at the back of the stage and when they call in, there are actually humans picking up their call.. not some automated voice messages.. wow... they have mayors, famous singers.. actors and even President Ma Ying Jiu and his wife or even Jay chou picking up the calls manz.. So many corproate or individual donations poure din also, by the millions and tonnes of millions NT.. and even when artistes sings, it's only if someone promise to donate like a huge amount of money.. not the other way round..
This keeps me wondering why..
Probably the fact that Taiwan has their fair share of earthquakes and their own Earthquake disaster like 921? that's why they can understand better? or the fact that they dont have much chartiy shows lkike that which is once in a blue moon.. so ppl tend to donate more as compared to have dozens per year.. Or that they have bigger population to gather donations from? or simply that the ppl there are more generous when it comes to helping others in need like that. Or their Hosts are so talented that they are able to speak words that touch the heart of the ppl and make the show a success?
Or is it simply that singaporeans don't have enough disasters to truly understand the impact that an earthquake disaster can bring? or singaporeans and companies in SG are too stingy to donate.. why bother so much when there are so many things to take care of within ourselves?
please watch today's show. we raised SG$6million for the earthquake victim which is more than the $100 million TW dollars raised by the taiwanese
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